Parish Priests

Rev. Fr. Oleh Bohdanov

The St. Peter and St. Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Sundown belongs to the Vita District Parish of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada. It shares a priest with about 12 other Churches in Southeast Manitoba. The number of churches in the Parish has varied over time, with 10 churches participating in the Parish at the present time.

Orthodox Priests who have served in Sundown:

  • 1939                      Rev. Fr. Ivan Dmytriw
  • 1939–1942           Rev. Fr. Evstakhiy Ulian
  • 1942–1947           Rev. Fr. Petro Glitsky
  • 1947–1950           Rev. Fr. Ivan Hykawy
  •                                (1949–1950 assisted by Rev. Fr. Petro Stefiuk)
  • 1950–1954           Rev. Fr. Serhiy Gerus
  • 1954–1955           Rev. Fr. Mykola Chomenko
  •                                (assisted by other priests assigned by the UOCC)
  • 1955–1958           Rev. Fr. Emanuyil Gorgitza
  • 1958–1960           Rev. Fr. Stepan Hredil
  • 1960–1965           Rev. Fr. Ivan Kulish
  • 1965–1966           Rev. Fr. Yuriy Jahodsky
  • 1966–1970           Rev. Fr. Wasyl Wasyliw
  • 1970–1974           Rev. Fr. Victor Lakusta
  • 1974–1976           Rev. Fr. John Tkachuk (Thatcher)
  • 1976–1981           Rev. Fr. Wasyl Wasyliw
  • 1981–1986           Rev. R. Volodymyr Sluzar
  • 1986–1987           Rev. Serhij Kiciuk
  • 1987–1990           Rev. Fr. Oleh Krawchenko
  •                                (assisted in 1987 by Rev. Fr. Deacon Mykhailo Samsin)
  • 1990–1993           Rev. Fr. Andriy Teterenko
  • 1993–1997           Rev. Fr. Oris Naherniak
  • 1997–1998           Rev. Fr. Vasiliy Popovich
  • 1998–1999           Rev. Fr. Oris Naherniak
  • 1999–2022           Rev. Fr. Miron Pozniak
  • 2022–present      Rev. Fr. Oleh Bohdanov


updated: 27-May-2024